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Compilation of images depicting pages and activities in the crescents themed week of the Home CEO Academy preschool homeschool curriculum Shapes Unit.

Preschool Shapes: Crescents Theme

age 2-3 crescents preschool shapes Mar 02, 2021

Welcome to Week 15, Crescents.  Crescents are not only fun shapes but there are many ways we see this shape all around in our day to day lives from the moon to crescent rolls to bananas we eat.  Enjoy this theme full of all things Crescent-shaped!

Our coloring pages are a great way to introduce new topics!
***Home CEO Hack*** Print out a few extra pages for yourself to color with your little one.  You might be surprised to see your little one focus a bit more if you are doing the same activity next to them ;)
D, E, and F were our letters of the week.  Porter loves ducks, so our funny phonics book Doris Can't Dance, our letter craft, and our letter tracing activity were a big hit!
I didn't even have to explain this one!  
Well...This is what happens when you excuse yourself from story to answer the door after you've spent 2 hours at the park!  I forgot how much I love Where The Wild Things Are! This book is filled with lovely crescent shaped trees, crescent shaped monster horns, and a boy with a crescent shaped wolf tail.
Shape sorting with real object pictures! 
Crescent camping count.  Try saying that 3 times fast!
Our week isn't complete until we add a few new play-doh mats to our folder!

Goodbye, Crescents week!  We had a lot of fun!  Do you want to join in on the fun? 
Click here to purchase the complete year or try a full week for FREE (click here to get Week 1: Red for Free)!  Come back next week and see everything we do with the next unit of Shapes... Stars!

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