Preschool Countries: Brazil Theme
Mar 31, 2021Learn about the rainforests and create super cute letter e & f letter craft characters as we continue our basic language, math, and social studies work. Gross motor activities, arts and crafts are also included.
Here are some pictures from this unit:
One thing I like to start the week off with is our weekly one-page lesson plan summary. I keep it in our homeschool room for easy reference. Here I have it propped up on a standing clip board. As we go through the activities throughout the week, I put little check marks to note that we've finished those activities and keep track of anything I need to make sure my little one completes.
Here is our theme board for the week. After circle time, we hang up three new vocabulary cards and learn about landmarks and other interesting facts about Brazil. We also do a quick review of the cards we did previous days to remember the country flag and other major landmarks or characteristics of Brazil. I also pick up that plush globe you see in the background of that picture and show Lexi again where the country is. After our theme board is updated, we move on to our Wake Up Warm Up quick language and math drills. We have a piece of paper that tells us for each of the three homeschool days a week what to do for our warm up drills. Sometimes, we will do more than three days and in those cases, we'll repeat days 1 and 2 drills for fluency.
The library is a Home CEO's best friend! These are our reading selections for the unit. After we have updated our theme board and finish our Wake Up Warm Up activities for the day, we go sit in our favorite chair and read one of books for the week. We really liked "For the Love of Soccer" which was written by Pele, who is widely regarded as the greatest soccer player that ever lived who is from Brazil. "Cassio's Day" was about a boy's daily life in Brazil. The sites and sounds of Brazil sure are different from life in Chicago, but in a lot of ways, our lives are very similar. We see where Cassio goes to school and spends time with his family. The last book, was a nonfiction selection about the rainforest. We pick up most of our books from our local library.
This week, we focused on the letters E and F. We practiced upper and lowercase tracing. Then we made some letter crafts. These are always the highlight of our week!
All aboard! We met Enrique and Flora from Brazil to our ongoing letter sound train and placed their letter E and F letter sound luggage in their train cars.
Our math activities for this unit included a tens frame activity. Kindergartens today often use a tens frame to teach base ten concepts. Here, we are just getting your little ones used to the idea.
This open ended sorting activity was a lot of fun! Ask you little one to sort the animal cards into "flies and does not fly" or "has fur and does not have fur."
Here Lexi practices her writing skills (drawing circles) while identifying same and different.
One of our daily Wake Up Warm Up math activities involved sorting and classifying these cards by shape.
Homeschooling makes me hungry! Our Brazil unit taught us how to make the delicious dessert "passion fruit fool"! If your grocery store doesn't have passion fruit, mango or papaya substitutes well.
"Rainforest Run" was one of our language activities for Brazil. Did you know that our units come with black and white and full color printables? I printed this game in black and white and colored it in.
Our art project for the week was a Carnival mask!
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