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Compilation of images depicting pages and activities in the River & Pond themed week of the Home CEO Academy preschool homeschool curriculum Habitats Unit.

Preschool Habitats: River & Pond Theme

age 3-4 exploring our earth habitats river & pond May 10, 2021

During the River and Pond Life unit, you'll practice ABC order with a Swans on Parade activity, skip count by fives by counting sticks from a beaver's den, practice your beginning and ending letter sounds and much, much more.  This unit is filled with river and pond themed activities that you and your children are sure to enjoy!
Check it out! Kylie gave a real smile and our theme board is starting out nicely too!
One of our wake up, warm up activities had Kylie practice identifying ending sounds.
A classic story for this unit!
Only 1 more piece to go on our Legend of the Lost Words puzzle. This week, we built _ut and _et words.
This fun letter sorting activity needed to be moved to the living room floor! Kylie had lots of fun putting the alphabet back in order.
Kylie and Porter both made ducks during their art blocks this week. Unless you are artistically inclined, I highly recommend printing out the art templates. #lessonlearned
Kylie is skip counting by 5s now!
These number sorting puzzles have become a new house favorite activity!
"There sure are a lot of rivers in the world," said Kylie while coloring in this


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