Preschool Countries: Kenya Theme
Apr 12, 2021In our Kenya week, we'll be covering numbers 1-30, 1:1 correspondence and looking at the letters Q & R. We'll be making an acacia tree craft and reading some very interesting books and doing fun gross motor games.
We got a new printer last week, so Kylie is very eager to help me with my lesson prep!
We start each morning with our circle time board. We talk about what day it is, what our plans are, and the weather. Don't worry everyone, there are more weather print-out pictures. This is just the Southern California edition ;)
Our wake up, warm up math exercises this week had us counting to 30 and continuing with our 1:1 correspondence skills. On day 3, we added pom pom "spots" to this cheetah print out using our counting cards from last weeks math exercises.
This language wake up, warm up exercise was lots of fun! I wrote the alphabet on the dry erase board in varying sizes and angles and Kylie had to erase them in order. "Let's do it with lower case letters now," she said when she finished!
Our theme board this week was filled lots of vocab cards that dealt with the geography (my favorite subject) of Kenya. "Oh, I've been to a volcano," Kylie said when we got to the card about Mount Kenya. That lead to 30 minutes of looking at pictures online of Mount Kenya and Mount St. Helens, the volcano we went to last summer!
We added some new students, Owino and Paka, to our letter sounds trains.
**Home CEO Hack** Are you looking for an extension activity for the letter sound train lesson? Ask your littler learner where they think the students are traveling to based on their luggage! Kylie thought Owino was going to the beach to decorate a Christmas tree and she thought Paka was going to listen to Itunes and have a snack.
Our math work sheets this week involved lots of counting, and lots of animals!
One of the reading selections in this unit was the book Planting The Tress Of Kenya. Wow, wow, wow! A wonderful story and amazing artwork!
We made an acacia tree during our art block. Is it just my daughter, or does anyone else have a child who will do anything as long as a glue stick is involved???
Its time for letter crafts! We made a P that looked like a pirate on pink paper while eating popcorn in a purple bowl! And then I tried to explain alliteration to my 4 year old...
We made chapatis and had a Kenyan tea party during our cooking block! Kylie enjoyed watching the chapatis bubble on the skillet, but was a little confused as to where the filling of her quesadilla went :/
Don't forget to add the pages to your child's travel journal! Not only will this help further ingrain the lessons for your child but it will also make a lovely keepsake for your to look back on.
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