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Compilation of images depicting pages and activities in the Mail Carrier themed week of the Home CEO Academy preschool homeschool curriculum Community Helpers Unit.

Preschool Community Helpers: Mail Carrier Theme

age 3-4 community helpers exploring our community mail carrier May 19, 2021

In our Mail Carrier unit, you will have fun with our dramatic play printables, setting up a post office and delivering the mail.  Using a mail delivery / post office theme, we continue work on our skip counting and subtraction.  You'll learn lots of interesting facts about how mail was delivered in the olden days and today. We also continue our work on CVC words, this week practicing words with a middle i vowel sound.  You'll be doing a heart letter craft as well as a science experiment (not themed) on how plants drink water.  Enjoy!
"Birds used to bring mail?!?! You've got to be kidding me!" -Kylie
During our wake up, warm up language activities, we focused on listening to ending sounds and spelled CVC I words.
Kylie LOVED this game! I think there might be a Mad Libs book in her future ;)
Kylie has been obsessed with origami since the Japan unit last year! During our art block, we (yes, me too!) made origami heart envelopes. I am definitely going to keep this craft in my back pocket for next Valentines Day!
Did you all see the ADORABLE mail song Home CEO Maraya wrote for this unit? If you didn't, scroll back to my theme board picture at the top. I found myself humming it while we did our dramatic play block!
Math + fine motor skills = a won win for this kid!


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