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Compilation of images depicting pages and activities in the Doctor themed week of the Home CEO Academy preschool homeschool curriculum Community Helpers Unit.

Preschool Community Helpers: Doctor Theme

age 3-4 community helpers doctor exploring our community May 14, 2021
We started our week by looking at some wonderful vocab cards.
During one of our math wake up, warm up activities, Kylie practiced subtraction with bandaids.
Our new, semester long game "The Keys To Reading Town" will take place in our wake up, warm up language lessons. Your little learner will be focusing on a different set of CVC words each week. They will be matching the pictures to the words, and building the words with a movable alphabet!
Kylie is also studying sight words now!
This week was an encouragement elves week. We opted out since our house was flu ridden and didn't want to risk passing any germs on :/ Encouragement elves is our monthly service project for your little ones. They make a little craft, this month was a colorful candy jar, and give them to someone (the mail carrier, the cashier at the grocery store, etc.) as a way of saying "Thanks for doing what you are doing." Pictured above, Kylie learned about subtraction using a number line.
Since our house was full of sick people all week, we practiced the hand washing gross motor action card a lot. And I mean A LOT!
Kylie loves dramatic play. Our downstairs rotates between a farmers market, a bakery, and a restaurant. So playing "doctor's office" was a nice respite for me!

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