This is an offer to purchase an "Endless" Lifetime Membership Bundle of clipart of all the clipart we've made in the past and all we're making in the future. This is a great option for you to get it all, get it now, get everything in the future to meet your clipart needs!
What's Included?
You'll get access to everything currently in our store plus ALL future clipart sets for life.
- 26 Alphabet Sets ($52.00 value)
- 12 Country Sets ($42.00 value)
- 10 Animal Sets ($35.00 value)
- 9 All About Me Sets ($31.50 value)
- 11 Colors Sets ($21.99 value)
- 30 Illustration Sets ($127.50 value)
- 6 Explorer Sets ($22.50 value)
- 4 Scientist Sets ($14.00 value)
- 3 Inventor Sets ($10.50 value)
- 8 Habitat Sets ($28.00 value)
- 2 Holiday Sets ($8.50 value)
- 3 Athlete Sets ($10.50 value)
- 4 Shapes Sets ($14.00 value)
- Hearing Loss Tools ($3.50 value)
- Sense of Touch ($4.50 value)
- Ludwig van Beethoven ($3.50 value)
- Leonardo Da Vinci ($3.50 value)
- Mo Willems ($3.50)
- Frank Lloyd Wright ($3.50)
- Emily Dickinson ($3.50)
- Paul Newman ($3.50)
- COVID-19 Coronavirus Safety ($3.50)
- Bonyo Bonyo ($3.50)
- Audrey Hepburn ($3.50)
- Ansel Adams ($3.50)
- Cesar Millan ($3.50)
- Confucius ($3.50)
- Geoffrey Canada ($3.50)
- Paula Minnis ($3.50)
- Bill Gates ($3.50)
- Florence Nightingale ($3.50)
- Oprah Winfrey ($3.50)
- Feelings and Emotions ($3.50)
- Kid Helpers ($3.50)
- Misty Copeland ($3.50)
- Lines ($3.50)
$533.50 total value (5,181 graphics as of April 2021)
What Does the Clipart Look Like?
Check out each and every set we've made on our Clipart That Cares Instagram here!
How Will I Get the Files?
After you purchase, we will set you up with a private secure download link to get a library of our current clipart. All of the files are available in PNG format.
How Will I Know When New Content is Added?
You will receive an email notification each time a new item is added to your clipart library.
What Does the License Cover?
This product entitles one person to use this clipart. Each additional user requires another license. The clipart may be used for personal and commercial purposes. For more information on our commercial purposes, please see our Terms of Use.
What if I Have Further Questions?
Reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions. We’d be happy to help!